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Evensong Ministries
offers Spiritual Direction
in the Christian Tradition

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Rev. Jim David and Rev. Marie David, of Evensong Ministries, have over 50 years of combined experience as spiritual directors.  Both are members of Spiritual Directors International.

Spiritual Directors International defines spiritual direction as "...the process of accompanying people on a spiritual journey.  Spiritual direction exists in a context that emphasizes growing closer to God..."

Scroll down for more on Spiritual Direction, or for an excellent selection of articles and other resources
visit the Spiritual Directors International Website

Spiritual Direction is available on a regular basis with meetings on Zoom or in-person  
with either Rev. Jim David (508-737-1899)  or Rev. Marie David. (508-737-2883)

Two women sitting on dock

Spiritual Direction

If you have been experiencing a sense that you would like to
more consciously attend to God's work and call in your life
regular spiritual direction may be useful to you.

While each individual is unique, there are patterns to the movement of God's Spirit in our lives.  These patterns, while not dissimilar across different traditions, are expressed according to unique language and concepts in each tradition.  Spiritual directors at Evensong Ministries are familiar with these patterns as expressed in the Christian Tradition, both by training and as experienced in their own prayer lives.  The spiritual director will listen carefully and caringly to the directee, at times offering feedback and engaging the directee in conversation to help bring new insights to light.

Directees, for their part,  must be committed to a regular rhythm of personal and communal prayer.
They must also be willing to engage in regular reflection on God's movement in their lives, in the attempt to discern the direction of God's call.
All of this is material which the directee prepares and brings to spiritual direction meetings.

To make Spiritual Direction a regular part of your spiritual journey,
directors are available to meet with you on a regular basis, usually every 4 - 6 weeks.
Spiritual direction is available on a sliding scale fee.  The normal fee for a 50 minute session is $75.

Either Jim or Marie will gladly schedule a complimentary meeting with you to help you determine
if this is the right time for direction on your spiritual journey.
To arrange an appointment please contact either:

Jim:   508-737-1899  |


Marie:   508-737-2883   |